- 年幼的皇帝自杀殉国。
- The child emperor committed suicide .
- 每个人都将忽然间发现,威严的皇帝没穿衣裳。
- And suddenly everyone will discover that the venerable emperor has no clothes .
- 帝企鹅只生活在严酷的南极冰原,它们完全颠倒了传统的父母角色。
- Traditional parenting roles are reversed for emperor penguins , which live only on the harsh antarctic ice .
- 但是很多共和党人真诚地认为美联储购买债券的行为和导致疯狂通胀的鲁莽政治激进主义没有区别。
- But many republicans genuinely equate fed bond-buying with reckless government activism leading to rampant inflation .
- 当政治力量会维持美国在线这样的公司存活,消费者无疑会变得更糟糕并最终为此支付成本。
- While government force may keep companies like aol alive , consumers will surely be worse off and ultimately pay the price .
- 受政治贪污和令人费解的规章制度之害,庞大的电信行业目前也是四面楚歌。
- Another big industry , telecoms , is also in crisis , largely thanks to government graft and erratic regulation .