- 参议院的法案没有包括政府经营的保险公司,这会激怒左派人士,一些人想重提这个富有争议的观点。
- The senate bill contains no provision for a government-run insurer , which angers leftists ; some want to revive this controversial notion .
- 古巴中部villaclara省的sagualagrande市,一家名叫“酒窖”的国营食品店门前,一名男子卷着一支雪茄烟,等待政府定量配给的食物2009年11月9日。
- A man rolls a cigar as he waits for food staples as permitted by the state rationing system at a government-run food store called " bodega " in sagua la grande , villaclara province , central cuba on november 8 , 2009 .
- 国营的砂石公司让问题变得更严重,这些企业的利润通常会流向统治集团成员或者其他和他们有关系的人。
- The operations of a government-run gravel company the profits of such enterprises usually flow back to people who are part of , or connected to , the ruling clique make the problem worse .