- 这个疾病还会影响到医务工作者或是帮着埋葬死者的家属。
- The disease tends to infect healthcare workers or family members who bury the dead .
- 他们把幸存者埋在哪了呢?
- Where do they bury the survivors ?
- 别把想法深埋在心理,在那儿它会发育变成憎恨和轻蔑。
- But don 't bury the thoughts in your heart where they mature into hatred and contempt .
- 宜家国际控股的所有人很多年来一直不为外界所知,宜家也拒绝透露他们的身份。
- For years the owners of inter ikea holding remained hidden from view and ikea refused to identify them .
- 国际米兰说,黄建华将被任命为该俱乐部的董事会成员,任命将于10月生效。
- Inter milan said kenneth huang will be named to the club 's board of directors effective in october .
- 这个夏天,穆里尼奥为了追寻新的成功,为给闪闪发光的履历增添浓墨重彩的一笔,他离开国际米兰来到了皇马。
- Mourinho left inter milan for real madrid last summer in search of his latest success story to add to his glittering resume .