- 斯洛伐克和斯洛文尼亚在欧元区内部非常安全。
- Slovakia and slovenia are safely inside the eurozone .
- 女人们费劲地穿过烟雾弥漫的小巷寻找安全区域。
- Women scrambled to safely through smoke-filled alleyways .
- 这意味着它可以安全地在人们的近旁工作。
- This means it can work safely alongside people .
- 当我的孩子还是婴儿时,我把他们抱在怀里,看着他们平静地入睡,像观看奇迹的发生。
- When my children were babies , I 'd hold them in my arms and watch them drift off peacefully - it was like watching a miracle .
- 人们在特殊营地里对他们进行再教育,希望他们能够和平地重新融入卢旺达社会。
- They are being re-educated in special camps in the hope that they can be peacefully reintegrated into rwandan society .
- 当厨房的噪音停止,他起来穿上裤子,踮着脚走进客厅,看见她平静地坐在门口的台阶上。
- When the kitchen noises stop , he gets up , slips on his boxers , and tiptoes into the living room where he sees her sitting peacefully on the doorstep .
- 因此,你肌肉越多,就会燃烧越多的卡路里,哪怕是在休息的时候。
- So the more muscle you have the more calories you will burn even at rest .
- 把受伤的部位垫高并休息24小时。
- Keep the injured part of the body elevated and at rest for 24 hours .
- 病人应以头稍抬起的姿势休息,并将眼睛遮挡起来。
- Patients should be kept at rest with the head slightly elevated and the eye should be shielded .