- 一个守卫站监视着封闭的入口。
- A guard stands watch at the gated entrance .
- 日本海上保安厅船只差不多是天天将它们驱离这片领水。
- The japan coast guard ships drive them out of the territorial waters almost on a daily basis .
- 新法案还将使海上保安厅可以通过另外一种方法防止活动人士登岛。
- The bill would also give the coast guard another means to prevent the landings .
- 在家时观察您的孩子。
- Observe your kids at home .
- 观察孩子在学校的表现。
- Observe your kids performance in school .
- 注意你内心和身体里的感觉不要判断它。
- Observe the feeling in your mind and body without judging it .
- 有人要为页面浏览量辩护吗?
- Anyone want to defend the pageview ?
- 你准备好为康德辩护了吗?
- Are you ready to defend kant ?
- 奥巴马内阁的官员为他们在也门取得的进展辩护。
- Obama administration officials defend their efforts in yemen .
- 一整面墙的24克拉巧克力奥斯卡立正站好。
- A wall of 24-carat chocolate oscars stand to attention .
- 不管是出于什么原因,可能他们过于吹毛求疵、始终沮丧或纯粹只是讨厌,你无法忍受呆在他们身边。
- For whatever reason -- maybe they 're overly critical perpetually depressed or just plain annoying -- you can 't stand to be around them .
- 而对那些坚持在无人驾驶汽车上大展身手的企业来讲,未来可能更快地到达。
- For those businesses that stand to gain and lose from the driverless car the future may arrive even quicker .