- 宇宙是如何行事的?
- How does the universe behave ?
- 我们的实验室就是整个宇宙。
- Our laboratory is the entire universe .
- 宇宙本是一片混沌之所。
- The universe is a chaotic place .
- 谁设计了太空针塔?
- Who designed the space needle ?
- 太空冒险公司创建于1998年。
- Space adventures started in 1998 .
- 这块陨石从外太空而来。
- It came from outer space .
- 这件凶案震动了娱乐界。
- The slayings stunned the entertainment world .
- 同样,企业界也需要谎言。
- Equally the corporate world demands lies .
- 这样的训练在模特界是确实存在的。
- Such things exist in the modeling world .
- 可以再树丛中,灌木丛中,建筑物的屋檐下,甚至是在地上也能够发现它们的巢穴。
- Their nests can be found in trees or bushes , under the eaves of buildings , or even on the ground .
- 这栋建筑很显眼,因为其屋檐有雕饰,屋顶结构复杂,比附近任何建筑都宏伟。
- It is conspicuous because of the carved eaves and complex roof structure , much grander than anything nearby .
- 后来,夜的到临带来了呼啸的北风,雨点不停地拍打着窗子,雨水从低垂的荷兰式屋檐上流泻下来。
- And then , with the coming of the night the north wind was again loosed , while the rain still beat against the windows and pattered down from the low dutch eaves .