- 举例来说,处于胚胎时期的猪鼻龟会由其龟卵所埋之地的温度来决定其性别,而且已经发育完全的胚胎还能推迟它们的孵化时间。
- For example , embryonic pig-nosed turtles become male or female depending on the temperature of the ground their eggs are laid in , while fully developed embryos can delay their hatching .
- 他们说这种行为会导致鸡蛋不孵化,雏鸡会像成年鸡一样,抓狂般的试图抵御一种不存在的威胁。
- The practice can lead to eggs not hatching and chicks going hungry as adults try to fend off a nonexistent threat , they said .
- 研究人员观察了小鸡在孵化前最后20%的时间里入睡或清醒时的大脑活动。
- The researchers found that during the final 20 % of life before hatching , the chicks displayed brain activity that mirrored being asleep or awake .
- 潜伏期为1到3天,而且感染的人患病期为2到4天。
- The incubation time is one to three days , and infected people are ill for two to four days .
- 根据《纽约时报》,该研究称,查加斯病就像艾滋病一样难以觉察,而且在出现症状前有一段长时间的潜伏期。
- Like aids , chagas is hard to detect and has a long incubation period before symptoms emerge , the study said , according to the new york times .
- 这些数据表明,潜伏期长是极其重要的,否则蝙蝠会在冬眠期前死亡。
- The numbers imply that a long incubation is also essential , otherwise the bats would die before it 's time to hibernate .
- 有些病毒繁殖得很迅速。
- Some viruses incubate very rapidly .
- 但同时也将酝酿网络销售的想法、与本土企业合作,并探索店中店等其它选择。
- But it will also incubate ideas via the internet , work with local partners and explore other options , such as stores within stores .
- 企鹅蛋是在雄企鹅脚上孵化的。
- Penguin eggs incubate on the feet of the males .
- 眼泪是强迫繁殖的工具吗?
- Tears as a captive breeding tool ?
- 对坂本博士来说,在抗病性鱼类育种方面,这个认识为他提供了宝贵的先机。
- And that gives dr sakamoto an invaluable head-start when it comes to breeding disease-resistant fish .
- 1975年它们从斯堪的纳维亚被重新引入到苏格兰,现在那里有42处育种区。
- It was reintroduced to scotland from scandinavia in 1975 and there are now 42 breeding territories there .
- 千万不要在豪宅里窝掉整个夏天,否则会自毁前程的。
- Don 't sit and brood in your mansion all summer , because you 'll end up a shell of yourself .
- 假使医生和我说我还仅有六分钟好活,我将不会郁闷沉思,而会加快打字的速度。
- If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live , I wouldn 't brood . I 'd type a little faster .
- 很多鸟常来这里孵蛋。
- Many birds often come here to brood .