For example , embryonic pig-nosed turtles become male or female depending on the temperature of the ground their eggs are laid in , while fully developed embryos can delay their hatching .
The practice can lead to eggs not hatching and chicks going hungry as adults try to fend off a nonexistent threat , they said .
The researchers found that during the final 20 % of life before hatching , the chicks displayed brain activity that mirrored being asleep or awake .
After hatching from eggs laid on thyme flowers , the tiny caterpillars fall to the ground and secrete chemicals that make them smell like ants , who promptly mistake them for ant larvae and bring them back to the colony .
On hatching in the intestine , the eggs develop into larvae that migrate through the blood and lymph systems into the lungs , causing fever , shortness of breath and wheezing .
An organism in its early stages of development , especially before it has reached a distinctively recognizable form . An organism at any time before full development , birth , or hatching .