- 参加美国芭蕾舞学院的考试。
- For the school of american ballet .
- 该校在地震前有329名学生。
- The school had 329 students before the earthquake .
- 一些女性高管在孩子的校门口进行远程电话会议。
- Some female executives routinely take calls while outside the school gates .
- 而且他们都从大学辍学。
- And they all left college .
- 赤脚学院是一个非政府组织。
- Barefoot college is a non-governmental organization .
- 安徽外经正在建设这座学院。
- Anjin workers are building the college .
- 1912爱德华进入牛津大学。
- 1912 Edward enters oxford university .
- 大学校长都是党员。
- University presidents are party members .
- 剑桥大学首次发行融资证券。
- Cambridge university issued its first bond .