- "存在论悖论"与"言道悖论"中西哲学基本问题的现代阐释。
- " Antinomy of existentialism " and " antinomy of language " : a modern interpretation of the basic philosophical problems of the west and china .
- 这两部小说都体现出存在主义哲学思想对贝娄的影响,反映了他对人类及其存在意义问题上的独特理解。
- Both novels embody the influence of the philosophy of existentialism on bellow and reflect his untouchable understanding of the human and the question about its existential meaning .
- 我们的工作是讨论从俄罗斯情景剧到中年的色情小说的一切以机智的存在主义。
- The works we discuss feature everything from russian melodrama to middle-aged erotic fiction to sharp-witted existentialism .