- 一种新基质型长效赋形剂之探讨。
- A preliminary study of novel matrix type sustained release excipient .
- 耶鲁大学研究人员将基质悬浮在一个玻璃瓶中。
- The yale researchers suspended the matrix in a glass jar .
- 在生物膜中的细菌镶嵌在聚合物基质中,使得它们比孤立的个体更难以杀死。
- Bacteria in such a film are embedded in a polymer matrix , which makes them harder to kill than isolated individuals .
- 盐在优良环节中是关键,因为它会溶解肉类的肌肉纤维,所以脂肪就会漂浮在一种耐嚼的蛋白质基质里。
- Salt is key to a good link because it dissolves the muscle fiber in meat so the fat can float in a chewy protein matrix .
- 然后把爪子印从模具上取下来。
- Remove the paw print from the mold .
- 但一个人的冰箱模具却是另外一个人写生的静物。
- But one man 's fridge mold is another man 's still life .
- 用黄油刀把融化的巧克力摊到模具上,要完全的盖住模具的各面。
- Use a butter knife to spread the melted chocolate inside the mold , covering the surface completely .
- 不是所有的字体家族都包含有花式的变体。
- Not every font family has a swash variant .
- 所以在你使用一个字体之前务必检查它的完整性。
- It is better to check the font out before using it .
- 你的系统必须安装了能够正确显示日文字符的字体。
- You must have a japanese font installed to display the japanese characters properly .