- 从实验上观察到两种由近藤效应引起的不同的fano共振现象.
- Two different fano resonances induced by the kondo effect have been observed experimentally .
- 在凝聚态物理学中,kondo效应是一个非常著名和被广泛研究的现象。
- The kondo effect , studied widely in condensed matter physics , is a well-known physics phenomenon .
- 如想更锻炼一下脑力,可试着记忆π的数字尽管不可能记住alexanderyee和shigerukondo去年算出的所有10万亿个数字。
- For an even greater mental workout you could try memorising the digits of pi though clearly not all 10 trillion known , calculated by alexander yee and shigeru kondo last year .
- 所以丈夫搬去了外面的公寓,不过继续负担着两个人的开支。
- So he moved to a condo , yet continued to pay the couple 's bills .
- 我告诉侦探,是我的冰箱把我的公寓炸了个底朝天。
- I told the detective that it was the refrigerator that blew up my condo .
- 那她在博卡的房子归谁了?
- Who got her condo in boca ?