- 改善婴儿的膳食结构使其终生受益。
- Improving infant diets does a lifetime of good .
- 母乳喂养你的婴儿可以得到长期的分红。
- Breast-feeding your infant can deliver long-term dividends .
- 一个婴儿的依附类型在成年以后是否会保持?
- Does your infant attachment style stay with you into adulthood ?
- 但餐厅确实是格拉汉姆的宝贝。
- But the restaurant was graham 's baby .
- 两只婴儿黑猩猩被感染了。
- Two baby chimpanzees were infected .
- 听说你们将要有小宝贝了。
- I heard you would have a baby .
- 在短期内,enn集团先进的煤炭地下气化技术很可能被证实比其藻类技术更为重要。
- In the short term , enn 's advanced underground coal gasification technology is likely to prove more significant than its algae work .
- enn的资产回报率几乎是cg的两倍,这对股东来说可能很有说服力,即它的管理层可以实现更大回报。
- Enn , with returns on assets about double those of cg , could make a pretty strong case to shareholders that its managers can get more .
- 在新奥集团(enn)的研究中心,科学家们正在测试用微藻在一个更有效利用煤炭的工序的末段做最后处理。
- At enn 's research campus , scientists are testing microalgae to clean up the back-end of a process to use coal more efficiently .
- 他的旅馆现在已经被毁。
- His inn has been destroyed .
- 相比起房间,胶囊旅馆提供的更像是一个胶囊。
- The capsule inn provides more a capsule , than a room .
- 4月份,持枪的歹徒又从商业区的度假旅馆绑架了5个人。
- The following month , gunmen kidnapped five people from a downtown holiday inn .