- “还有一个问题就是减压病,”马洛特说,“你会和那些从水下上浮太快的潜水员一样,血液里的氮会出问题。”
- " Another problem is decompression sickness , " marotte said . " You have the same problem with nitrogen as divers who go too quickly from deep to the surface . "
- 我们不会尝试去用大量的信息去压倒你们,不过在同一时刻,你们已经站在一个伟大事件的边缘,将完成你们的提升进程。
- We try not to overpower you with too much information , but at the same time you are on the verge of a great event that will end in your ascension .
- 奥巴马总统笑得太多,所以说他是阶级斗士不太能令人信服,但你不能说每个民主党人都是如此。
- This president smiles too much to make a convincing class warrior , though you could not say the same of every democrat .
- 死法:老鹰丢了只乌龟在他头上
- How he died : an eagle dropped a tortoise on his head
- 作为惩罚,宙斯把普罗米修斯绑在一块石头上,让一只老鹰不停地啄食他的肝脏。
- As punishment , zeus chains prometheus to a rock , where an eagle pecks incessantly at his liver .
- 一只训练有素的鹰能在捕猎到狐狸或獾等猎物之后回来。
- A well-trained eagle will return after killing prey such as foxes and badgers .