- 微软表面上只是得到了一大堆更邪恶的东西。
- The microsoft surface just got a whole lot more wicked awesome .
- 这是不可避免的:基础设施即服务于正义之士,也服务于邪恶之徒。
- That is inevitable : infrastructure serves the wicked as well as the righteous .
- 她用那种眼神看着我,好像我是邪恶的后妈一样。
- She looked at me as if I were the wicked stepmother .
- 但在目前危险的经济环境下,这是政客们最起码可以做的事情。
- But in an economic environment as treacherous as the present , it 's the least the politicians can do .
- 但是在伊拉克小组提出建议来改正这些时,他却又在更多的变化莫测的形势下迷失了。
- But the group strays on to much more treacherous ground when it proposes a way to correct this .
- 中东则更加难以避免变化莫测的冲突,其程度之甚将远超过美国政府中很多人的期望。
- As for the middle east , it will be harder to escape its treacherous conflicts than many in washington hope .
- 邪恶的笑容闪过我的脸庞。
- An evil grin crossed my face .
- 他们到底有多邪恶?
- So how evil were they ?
- 上帝是好的,而他不会引发邪恶或所作的是恶。
- No. god is good , and he will not cause evil or do evil .
- 然而,两国学生都能从甘教授的教学与真实世界的相关性中受益。
- Yet students from both countries benefit from the real-world relevance of prof gan 's teachings .
- 甘犁的调查可能高估了失业水平,原因有二。
- It 's possible mr. gan 's survey results overstate the level of unemployment for two reasons .
- 1959年毕业前夕,甘粹要求党允许他们结婚,但他们不同意。
- As graduation approached in 1959 , gan asked the party for permission to marry lin. but the request was immediately rejected .