- 她继承了世世代代的庄稼人的吃苦耐劳、百依百顺的习惯。
- From generations of peasants she had inherited her strength , along with her servility .
- 日本人骨子里的奴性:美占日本时期照片。
- Japanese in self heart of hearts servility : us takes up the japan period photograph .
- 在1776年的革命颠峰时刻,约翰亚当斯骄傲地宣称:“对君主制的崇拜,和对贵族荣誉的奴颜婢膝,从未像现在一般在如此短的时间内、在如此众多的人们心中被完全根除。”
- In 1776 john adams remarked with pride , at the height of the revolution , that " idolatry to monarchs , and servility to aristocratical pride , was never so totally eradicated from so many minds in so short a time . "
- 什么事情比在这一禁令旨在世俗或奴性的工作吗?
- Is anything more than secular or servile work intended in this prohibition ?
- 他用卑躬屈膝的腔调说话。
- He spoke in a servile tone .
- 第一日当有圣会,什么劳碌的工都不可作。
- In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation : ye shall do no servile work therein .
- 互联网的奴性使用可能是一个潜在的抑郁症红旗,兰姆说,所以上网的行为可能是一种有用的掩盖青少年的工具,尤其是那些13-19岁的人,这些人的风险最高。
- Slavish use of the internet could be a red flag for underlying depression , says lam , so online behavior might be a useful screening tool for identifying youngsters , especially teens , who might be at highest risk .
- 他们对领导的盲目崇拜是不健康的。
- Their slavish devotion to the leader is unhealthy .
- 她盲目地忠于职守。
- She shows a slavish devotion to her job .