- 体现於女人身体上的整个大自然之目的,足以役使男人。
- The whole purpose of nature embodied in a woman can enslave a man .
- 奴役人民的最有效方法即是解除他们的武装。
- To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them .
- 撒旦奴役人的伎俩是什么。
- What is satan 's strategy to enslave others .
- 在这个问题上没有自满或是听之任之的余地,因为这个问题被认为范围不大尽管它涉及到奴役和人类生命的毁灭。
- There is no room for complacency on this issue , or dismissal because the problem is not considered to be on a significant scale it involves servitude , and therefore the devastation of human lives .
- 我们在海伦邦伯基金会(helenbamberfoundation)向遭遇过酷刑、种族灭绝和人权严重侵犯受害者提供心理治疗,其中包括被贩卖后成为性奴隶、家庭奴役和强迫劳力的人们。
- At the helen bamber foundation we provide psychological care and treatment to survivors of torture , genocide and those who have suffered gross human rights violations including those who have been trafficked for sexual exploitation , domestic servitude and forced labour .
- 你的赌注?我的灵魂.输了就服侍你一辈子.
- The stakes ? My soul . An eternity of servitude .
- foca波斯尼亚镇上三人因强暴、虐待和性奴役妇女被判刑,这是个大的进步。
- The convictions of three men for the rape , torture and sexual enslavement of women in the bosnian town of foca was a big landmark .
- 在马克思主义出现之前很久,就一直存在着传授各种彻底灭绝或奴役战败者的全面战争的学说。
- There had been long before marx doctrines teaching the total war leading to the radical extinction or enslavement of the defeated .
- 对卢梭而言,维持硬币两面之间的关系,不让奴役完全掌控局势(尽管他很可能认为现在已经太晚了)的东西,是我们自然状态的残留物:最重要的人类本性同情或怜悯。
- And for rousseau , the one thing that maintains the relationship between the two sides , and prevents enslavement from taking over completely ( though he might well argue that it is now too late ) , is a leftover from our natural state : the supreme human institution of compassion or pity .