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enslavement 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

The convictions of three men for the rape , torture and sexual enslavement of women in the bosnian town of foca was a big landmark .
There had been long before marx doctrines teaching the total war leading to the radical extinction or enslavement of the defeated .
And for rousseau , the one thing that maintains the relationship between the two sides , and prevents enslavement from taking over completely ( though he might well argue that it is now too late ) , is a leftover from our natural state : the supreme human institution of compassion or pity .
Defining humanity in terms of " gains and utilities , " the modern outlook " could not see the world itself as containing anything that made moral or normative demands on one , " and led east and west alike into a " cognitive enslavement . "
On a deeper level it is a statement of a dichotomy fundamental to the idea of mankind ( as distinct from the animals ) : that man 's enslavement is the flipside of the coin on which is stamped his basic freedom .
Man is free , in other words , precisely because he becomes susceptible to enslavement .
The burqa is ' a sign of enslavement and debasement , ' mr. sarkozy said last year .
In 2004 she likened the gay lifestyle to " personal bondage , personal despair and personal enslavement " .
The long-term goal of reducing poverty , religious fundamentalism and overpopulation will be impossible to reach until we free women around the world from the enslavement of ignorance .