- 同样的结论也来自由乔治敦大学和奥美公关公司进行的一项研究,该研究表明通过社交媒体支持公益事业的美国人通常在其他方面也很积极。
- So too does a study from georgetown university and ogilvy pr , a public-relations firm , which finds that americans who back causes through social media are often active in other ways too .
- 教室的同学形形色色,他们是来自营销集团奥美(ogilvyandmather)的高管和广告文字撰稿人。
- My fellow students are an assortment of executives and copywriters from ogilvy and mather , the marketing group .
- 奥美在新兴亚洲地区接下来的优先目标是巴基斯坦、越南和印度尼西亚。
- Ogilvy 's next priorities in emerging asia are pakistan , vietnam and indonesia .