- 伦敦的商人不再把m25公路当赛道用,但有些地方吹嘘的心情依旧,并没有受最近事态的影响。
- City traders no longer use the m25 as a racetrack , but that mood of braggadocio survives in certain quarters , undented by recent events .
- 当我几天后回到正常世界,就像是在日本度过了几个月后突然降落在纽约时代广场,“正常”的行为这时显得动静太大,迎面而来的,满是空虚作态和自命不凡。
- Returning to the neurotypical world after a few days at autreat was like landing in times square after spending a couple of months in japan . " Normal " behavior suddenly seemed so loud , in-your-face , full of vacuous social posturing and braggadocio .
- 此外,现在莫斯科已不像过去那样大肆鼓吹俄罗斯是一个“超级石油大国”,这是全球经济衰退、石油价格下跌、外汇储备蒸发以及外商直接投资(fdi)逃离等因素综合作用的结果。
- Moreover , there is less braggadocio in moscow these days than there used to be about russia being a " petro-superpower " , given the combined effects of the global recession , the fall in oil prices , the evaporation of foreign currency reserves and the flight of foreign direct investment .