- 诚意求租康怡花对过南海尝试中学从属小学周围的房子.
- Seek the room that periphery of accessary elementary school learns in hiring kang yi to spend experiment of the nanhai opposite side .
- 当雄鹿出人意料地在第6位选择易而易还没有被告知应该怎么去回答关于密尔沃基的问题时,他是一个愿意被选的新秀。
- When the bucks surprised everyone and drafted yi with the no. 6 pick , before yi had any coaching on how to answer questions about milwaukee , he was a willing draftee .
- 锦瑟找漪房谈心,将亚夫送给她的玫瑰露转送给漪房,漪房发现玫瑰露里有毒。
- Inlaid harp yi room to talk for agag the cardiff gave her rose yi room , turn to yi room found in rose toxic .