- 它以1920年代纽约的爵士节拍和私酒眩晕的醉人地衬托出对艺术的完美和爱情的追求。
- It sets the pursuit of artistic perfection and love against the intoxicating backdrop of the jazz-flapping , bootlegging dizziness of 1920s new york .
- 这些症状有皮肤湿冷、头昏眼花、胸部灼热和莫名的疲惫。
- The symptoms include clammy skin , dizziness , a burning sensation in the chest and unexplained fatigued .
- 声明语焉不详,从心脏病发作到头昏眼花,可以任意解释。
- The term is vague and can mean anything from a heart attack to a bout of dizziness .