- 但是由于化疗使得他的头发不断脱落,他戴上了一顶帽子。
- But he lost his hair due to chemotherapy and started wearing a black cap .
- 不妨放弃青年人的棒球帽而戴其他流行款式的帽子。
- Try other fashionable styles of caps , rather than the very adolescent baseball cap .
- 这种装置是一顶帽子,对应前额部位处有循环凉水的管子通过。
- The device is a cap worn over the forehead containing tubes that circulate cool water .
- 耷拉着脑袋低垂着眼睛?
- Bowed head and lowered eyes ?
- 在首脑会议上,传统经济大国将不得不为他们腾出更多的空间。
- The traditional powers will have to make more room for them at the head table .
- 博恩斯教授抬起头来。
- Professor burns raised her head .