- 这种文化在十世纪到十六世纪达到了顶峰,当拉帕努伊人在岛上雕刻和竖立起了900个摩埃巨石像时。
- That culture reached its zenith during the tenth to 16th centuries , when the rapa nui carved and erected some 900 moai across the island .
- 现在回想一下,埃尔利希显然没有挑好时机,因为70年代末期正处于商品价格周期变化的顶峰时期。
- It is clear in retrospect that mr ehrlich showed bad timing , since the late 1970s saw a cyclical zenith for commodity prices .
- 四十岁的时候他对绘画新技巧的掌握处于巅峰状态。
- His mastery of new painting techniques was at its zenith when he reached forty .