- 探险队活下来的两个人发现了掩埋在南极茫茫冰原下的曾属于这些怪兽的一个古老城市。
- Two surviving members of the expedition find an ancient city entombed in the antarctic ice sheet which once belonged to the beasts .
- 希特勒几乎被全世界的人唾骂;列宁仍然以伟人的身份埋葬在俄罗斯红场;而斯大林统治下的现代俄罗斯则看似更加友善。
- Hitler is almost universally vilified ; lenin remains entombed on red square as russia 's most distinguished corpse ; and modern russia is looking more kindly on stalin 's memory .
- 很多人被埋在炸毁的建筑物的瓦砾里。
- Many people are entombed in the rubble of the bombed buildings .