- 但本书最吸引人的地方在于它并没有受制于宿命论。
- But an attractive quality of this book is that it goes beyond such fatalism .
- 但是,欧元和欧盟所需要的,既不是激进主义也不是宿命论。
- But what the euro and the eu need , is neither activism nor fatalism .
- 在形容日本人共有的人生观时,宿命论是经常被用到的一个词语。
- Fatalism is a word often used to describe the common attitude of japanese .
- 而默文金不会落得这种下场。
- Mr king will not suffer that fate .
- 科尼的命运如何还不得而知。
- Mr kony 's fate is unclear .
- 它的命运似乎还悬而未决。
- Its fate seems up for grabs .
- 因为,宿命论意味着上帝的自由不受任何阻碍,它可以选择去拯救那些也许受到世界及其规则即便是教堂和它的教规处罚的人们。
- Because predestination implies god 's untramelled freedom , he can choose to save those whom the world and its rules even the church with its rules might condemn .
- 大多数人都把加尔文主义与那种宗教联系起来,但是在她的脑海中,它以一种最不可思议的方式与宿命论联系在一起。
- Now this is just about the opposite of the kind of rule-bound and wholly unforgiving religion which most people associate with calvinism , but in her mind it was linked with predestination , in a most unexpected way .
- 一个封闭的时间型曲线可能暗示着命运注定:我们知道未来自己身上会发生什么状况,因为我们已经在自己的过去目睹了这些情景。
- A closed timelike curve seems to imply predestination : we know what is going to happen to us in the future because we witnessed it in our past .
- 命运会给你很多新的机会。
- Destiny will throw up so many new opportunities .
- 并最终决定你的命运。
- Your decisions determine your destiny ...... .
- 也许雅各布是我的命运。
- Maybe jacob is my destiny .
- 我每天按计划进行了吗?
- Did my day go as planned ?
- 阴影可以用来辨识白天的时间。
- Shadows can indicate the time of day .
- 毕业是高兴的日子。
- Graduation is a happy day .