- 它把自己的命运放入天平。
- That put its fate in the balance .
- 我把它称作天平受力模型。
- I call it the fore balance model .
- 不过,天平就要倾斜了。
- But the balance is about to tip .
- 如果这就是早期羽毛,那它们是如何从扁平的鳞片进化而来呢?
- If they were early feathers , how had they evolved from flat scales ?
- 它有18到20英寸长,它银色的鳞片上满是泥土。
- It was eighteen to twenty inches long and its silvery scales were covered with dirt .
- 这层鳞片厚度仅有人头发的十分之一,几乎是自然界能找到的最亮的物质。
- The scales are 10 times thinner than a human hair and whiter than most substances found in nature .