- 当市场认为一种投资的表现将不及市政债券时,那么可以说我们还没有到疯狂的程度。
- When the market thinks an investment is going to underperform munis , it 's safe to say we are not in the midst of euphoria .
- 虽然美国相对欧洲仍将算作一大亮点,但离自身预期尚有距离。
- Relative to europe , the us will continue to be a bright spot . Relative to its own expectations , the us will underperform .
- 哈佛大学教授卢西恩拜伯切克(lucianbebchuk)的研究发现,拥有阻挠收购机制的美国公司,表现比不上那些没有这种机制的公司。
- Research by lucian bebchuk , a harvard professor , found that us companies with mechanisms to block takeovers underperform those that lack them .
- 根据我自己的研究结果,纽约和洛杉矶在很多方面,包括娱乐、艺术和文化消遣活动上都胜过芝加哥和其他城市。
- According to my own research , new york and los angeles outperform chicago and other cities by a vast margin in entertainment , arts , and culture occupations .
- 美国仍然有机会在金牌榜和奖牌榜上胜出,但前提是美国赛跑运动员的表现必须要胜过游泳运动员。
- There is still a way for the americans to win the gold and overall medal races . But american runners are going to have to outperform u.s. swimmers for that to happen .
- 熊彼得封之为“我们最好的男人之一”的琼罗宾逊夫人,喜欢穿中山装,断言朝鲜必定会胜过韩国。
- Joan robinson , whom schumpeter dubbed " one of our best men " , wore mao suits and pronounced that north korea was bound to outperform the south .