- 在将这片贫瘠的戈壁沙漠变成可作业的铜矿的过程中,力拓提供了全部的资金和技术,目前仍是最显而易见的买家。
- Rio , which has provided all the capital and technology to turn this barren strip of the gobi desert into a working mine , remains the most obvious buyer .
- 当前人们关心的,是以一个庞大煤矿项目的股权面向多国集资筹措数十亿美元的计划;该煤矿名为塔班陶勒盖,也位于南戈壁省。
- Of immediate concern are plans to raise billions of dollars through a multinational offering of shares in a huge coal project , tavan tolgoi , also in south gobi province .
- 自1982年以来,他们已经种植了超过400亿棵树,其中大部分位于戈壁沙漠南边一条将近3000英里长的带状地区。
- Since 1982 , they have planted more than forty billion trees , many of them in a nearly three-thousand-mile strip along the southern edge of the gobi desert .