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Rio , which has provided all the capital and technology to turn this barren strip of the gobi desert into a working mine , remains the most obvious buyer .
Of immediate concern are plans to raise billions of dollars through a multinational offering of shares in a huge coal project , tavan tolgoi , also in south gobi province .
Since 1982 , they have planted more than forty billion trees , many of them in a nearly three-thousand-mile strip along the southern edge of the gobi desert .
Decades after the reforestation along the gobi began , the desert still claims more than a thousand square miles of land annually .
Dust from the gobi and taklimakan deserts is often present over the western united states in the spring and can lead to disastrous air quality in korean , japanese and russian cities .
Mongolia , which banned gobi bear hunting in 1953 , has now declared 2013 the " year of protecting the gobi bear . "
Just a few years ago estimates put the number of gobi bears at as many as 50 ; the recent figure of 22 survivors comes from a population survey just completed by the mongolian government and wildlife experts .
If the stars seem a little less bright and the skies less clear later this year , then part of the reason will be the gobi gunk that has been blown into the earth 's atmosphere over the past few days .
Iron-rich dust blown from australia and from the gobi and sahara deserts is largely deposited in oceans , where it has been observed to feed phytoplankton , the microscopic marine plants that are the first link in the oceanic food chain and absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide .
Dust from the gobi desert seems to stimulate plankton blooms in the nutrient-poor waters of the north pacific , though it is not clear whether this results in a net reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide , since that would require some of the plankton to sink to the seabed , never to return .