- 这座宏伟的建筑属于格鲁吉亚三大世界文化遗产之一,理论上应对遵守受联合国教科文组织相关保护规定。
- The edifice belongs to one of three world heritage sites in georgia , and in theory , is subject to unesco 's rules .
- 早在1950年代,戈尔巴乔夫的先辈,尼基塔.赫鲁晓夫也曾认为斯大林时代建立在恐怖和谎言基础上的建筑早已摇摇欲坠。
- Back in the 1950s , gorbachev 's predecessor nikita khrushchev had seen firsthand how precarious was the edifice of the house that stalin built on terror and lies .
- 事实是这座伟大的建筑就在奥克尼这个岛上建成,是对人们偏见的一个有力回击,这也使该发现更为人所知。
- The fact that this great stately edifice was constructed on orkney , an island that has become a byword for remoteness , makes the site 's discovery all the more remarkable .