- 他眼中只有美人,没有规避美人后面还有个武松手里的大刀。
- His eyes only beauty , no evading beauty behind a wu-song hand the broadsword .
- 着重叙述并分析了福建大刀会活动的社会功能。
- The paper mainly relates and analyzes the social functions of activities organized by fujian broadsword society .
- “重剑”是你想的名字吗?
- " Broadsword . " Did you come up with that ?
- 大新信用卡持卡人合约之主要使用条款。
- Major terms and conditions of dah sing credit card cardholder agreement .
- 大新银行在香港的股票交易昨日停牌,等待该行发布公告。
- Trading in dah sing shares was suspended in hong kong yesterday , pending the announcement .
- 新哨镇大新哨村。
- Sentry post new town of dah sing village .