- 就在几个月前,欧洲、美国和澳大利亚的用户无意中睡过了一个小时,原因是他们的手机没有确认夏令时的结束。
- Just a couple months ago , users in the u.s. , australia and europe unintentionally overslept by an hour when their alarm clocks failed to register the end of daylight-saving time .
- 位于斯德哥尔摩卡罗林斯卡学院的流行病学家们发现,从春季时间转入夏令时造成的不仅仅是健康危害:心脏病发作在时针向后调了一个小时后的第一周里增加了5%,最高峰时为10%出现在星期二。
- The springtime transition to daylight saving time poses more of a health hazard : heart attacks increase by 5 percent over the first week after clocks are pushed back an hour , spiking by 10 percent on that tuesday , epidemiologists at the karolinska institute in stockholm found .
- 要求所有人在春天将时间朝前调,秋天再调回来,日光节约时就消除这个协调问题。
- By requiring that everyone shift clocks back in the fall and forward in the spring , daylight saving time obviates this coordination problem .