- 创造有机化合物时,化学家要设法将碳原子聚集在一起。
- When making an organic compound , chemists have to join carbon atoms together .
- 而这种复合物的安全性和效用持久性仍然是未知数。
- Several questions remain about safety and the duration of effectiveness of the compound .
- 另一个重要的概念就是要教会孩子们有关复合利息的神奇性。
- Another critical concept that teens must be taught is the magic of compound interest .
- 酸奶酪的消费突然变成了双倍了。
- The cost of yogurt was suddenly double .
- 准备好得到双倍的收获。
- Get ready for the double portion .
- 预算赤字猛增到足足两倍的数额。
- The budget deficit had soared well into double figures .
- 这种方法叫全双工操作,和传统csma/cd采用的半双工操作相对。
- This is called full duplex operation , as opposed to half duplex for traditional csma / cd operation .
- 由于superspeed总线使用两对不同的线路传输数据,它可以同时在两个方向传输数据,即全双工,而不像usb2.0.
- Because the superspeed bus uses two differential pairs to transferdata , it can transfer in both directions at the same time , making itfull duplex , unlike usb 2.0 .
- 一迈进这套复式公寓,你就立即进入了厨房操作区。
- When you enter the duplex , you are immediately in the kitchen galley .
- 然而总有些事实具有多重性。
- And yet there are always multiple realities .
- 该国网上消费者的购买类型丰富多样。
- The country 's online consumers buy across multiple categories .
- 食物可以传达意义,一些复杂、多样的意义,暗指更大的叙事吗?
- Can food convey meaning , sometimes complex and multiple meanings , and allude to larger narratives ?