- 这一语气的变化十分明显。
- The change of tone was stark .
- 德克斯的语调里有一种试探,又或者是奚落。
- There was a test in dex 's tone , maybe a taunt .
- 她说,她同时为他随意的语调感到吃惊。
- She said she was , however , surprised by his informal tone .
- 投资银行应注意这一点。
- Investment banks should take note .
- 他的继任者应该注意这一点。
- His successors should take note .
- 雇主也将一定会注意到。
- Employers will surely take note .
- 他认为,他为他们作画,周到、热切地探索色调和纹理,无论他的批评者们说什么。
- He thought he painted them considerately , lovingly exploring the tones and the textures , whatever his detractors said .
- 发光二级管(led)毕竟只是一种能够编程的且只在固定的波长、颜色和色调上才发光的半导体。
- Light-emitting diodes , after all , are semiconductors that can be programmed to emit light at precise wavelengths , colors and tones .
- 微妙的色调和金属元素互相映衬形成建筑统一的主题。
- The subtle tones and metallic elements complement each other to create a common theme throughout the house .
- 我们可以在bbc新闻上听到正式的英国口音。
- A formal british accent can be heard on bbc news .
- 但她糟糕的口音和的遣词造句令我窘迫。
- But her accent and broken sentences embarrassed me .
- 拉加德的法国口音使她为听众们所喜爱。
- Her french accent endears her to her audiences .