- 我们球队里的每个队员都很健壮。
- Every cager on our team is very strong and healthy .
- 大麦町犬具有良好的体质,骨骼结实而强健,但决不粗糙。
- The dalmatian dog has good physical endowment , the skeleton fructify but strong and healthy , but will never be rough .
- 大麦町犬具有良好的体质,骨骼结实而强健,但决不粗糙。
- The dalmatian dog has good physical endowment , the skeleton fructify but strong and healthy , but will never be rough .
- 它可能需要长期一点点替换,但在紧急状况下它能保证结实坚固。
- It may need replacing in the long run , but it should be sturdy enough for emergency use .
- 在门内,westmoreland塞在门把手中的撬棍形成了一个坚固的门锁。
- On the other side , a crowbar westmoreland slid through the handle acts as a sturdy barricade .
- 这种匿名的、坚固的不锈钢标签比普通或有弹性的纸不知道好上多少倍。
- These anonymous and sturdy stainless steel tags are lightyears better than the flimsy old paper and elastic ones .