- 靠外面的那条护城河乍一看就是条小溪,鸭子在里面畅游,附近平缓的山坡上有绵羊在吃草。
- Ducks glided down the outer moat , which appeared upon first glance to be a stream , and sheep grazed on shallow slopes nearby .
- 当然,在媒体业,没有人会否认围在深深的护城河里面过日子的吸引力,即使那河里满是鲨鱼在游来游去。
- Certainly no one in the media would deny the attraction of living behind a deep moat , even if it is filled with sharks .
- blockbuster把它成千上万的商店当作是护城河,而实际上它们已经成了商业上的马奇诺防线。
- Blockbuster treated its thousands of stores as if they were a protective moat , when in fact they were the business equivalent of the maginot line .
- 浏览者可以放大地理特征,观赏著名的马里亚纳海沟或太平洋的岩石层。
- Viewers can zoom in on the geographical features , visiting the well-known marianas trench or touring the pacific ocean 's rocky floor .
- 确实,两人都将政治看作是不穿制服的堑壕战。
- Indeed , both seem to view politics as trench warfare without the uniforms .
- 直到两年前,他的办公室还想战壕似的,到处是沙袋及弹药箱。
- Until a few years ago his office looked like a trench , with sandbags and ammunition boxes .