- 尝试一种市售蛋白质补充剂。
- Try a commercially prepared protein supplement .
- 芯片组为该公司的微处理器技术提供补充。
- Chipsets supplement the company 's microprocessor technology .
- 此外,可可还被用作一种膳食补充成分。
- Then there 's cocoa as a dietary supplement .
- 瑞典选民比其他几乎所有的欧洲人更支持欧盟扩张。
- Its voters are more favourable to eu enlargement than almost all others .
- 而政府的数据则清晰地显示出欧盟扩大的效应。
- The government 's figures clearly show the effect of eu enlargement .
- 扩张在欧元危机的背景下几乎已经不在欧盟的考虑范围内。
- The euro crisis means that enlargement is hardly a priority for europe .
- 长期高失业率会减少而不是增加潜在劳动力。
- Long periods of high unemployment tend to reduce rather than augment the pool of potential workers .
- 在意大利和西班牙,打算缩小劳动力规模的雇主比打算扩大的要多。
- In italy and spain , more employers say they intend to cut the size of their workforce than say they plan to augment it .
- 该航天器发射场将扩大私营工业的发展,航天局的副参谋长说,通过将其置于俄罗斯的领土之上将会确保俄罗斯航天业的稳定。
- The cosmodrome will augment the development of private industry , the space agency 's deputy chief says , because it will ensure the stability of the russian space industry by centering it on russian soil .