- 但是,来自过多源头的过多信息可能像太多种果酱一样。
- But too much information from too many sources can be like too many kinds of jam .
- 她决定选择下一个出口,并且在避免堵塞的同时,买一杯咖啡。
- She decides to take the next exit and get a cup of coffee while avoiding the jam .
- 在谈论着刚刚在铜川市见到的那家公司时,我们遇到了交通大堵塞。
- As we talk about the company we 've just seen in tongchuan city , we hit a vast traffic jam .
- 我同阿拉法特握手并使出了我练习过的阻碍花招。
- I shook hands with arafat , with the blocking maneuver I had practiced .
- 这些阻塞事件毫无疑问是区域性的气候再分配,和全球性的冰河时代天差地远。
- These blocking events are definitely a regional redistribution , and not like a global ice age .
- 因为这个,每一个核反应堆都有摆脱热量的方式并且阻塞那些快速移动的核微粒。
- Because of this , every nuclear reactor has ways of getting rid of the heat , and blocking those fast-moving radioactive particles .
- 由于网络以及短信设备的封锁,反对派的行动受到了阻碍。
- The opposition is hampered by the blockage of internet access and text-messaging facilities .
- 如果银行依旧是个妨碍,那么企业可能会另辟蹊径。
- If banks continue to be a blockage , firms may look for a way around them .
- 一些可能具有实效的纯粹的结构性财政改革措施包括,地方政府层面的减支,封堵税收漏洞或者停止补贴。
- There are a few genuine structural fiscal reforms that may well be worth undertaking cuts in levels of regional government , plugging tax loopholes , or ending subsidies .
- 随着bp接近实现封堵macondo油井的目标,该公司应致力于找出一个(在原油泄漏事件之后)引人信服的投资理由,说服现有投资者(以及新投资者)购买更多的股票。
- As it nears the critical goal of plugging the macondo well , bp should work on developing a compelling post-leak investment case that will persuade these investors and new ones to buy more shares .
- 尽管其中一个漏油点通过堵漏和弃井得到迅速封堵,但在第二个漏油点问题加重,7月和8月新的漏油继续在海床出现。
- Although one of the spills was quickly ended by plugging and abandoning that well , problems festered at a second site where fresh leaks from the seabed floor continued to pop up in july and august .