- 损失该由谁来承担?
- Who should bear the losses ?
- 我是你内心的北极熊。
- I am your inner polar bear .
- 为什么这些债权人就不该承担损失呢?
- Why shouldn 't the creditors bear the losses ?
- 所以即便复苏脚步加快,失业率中近三分之一的增长或将持续存在。
- So even if the recovery gathers steam , almost one-third of the rise in joblessness may endure .
- 虽然个案的问题可能解决,可开放与保护主义的潜在紧张关系会持续下去的。
- Though case-by-case solutions may emerge , the underlying tension between openness and protectionism will endure .
- 要建造顺服忍耐的能力。
- Develop the capacity to obediently endure .
- 你能想象那种惨境吗?
- Can you imagine that ?
- 索尼和任天堂能否幸存?
- Can sony and nintendo survive ?
- 只有你才能做得到。
- Only you can do that .
- 再要降低含盐量,这块火腿就只能沦为一块橡皮板了。
- Any less salt and the ham would be reduced to a rubbery slab .
- 西班牙凉菜汤的味道很不错,迪尔洛特也表示自己的火腿很不错。
- The gazpacho tastes good , and dilnot professes to enjoy his ham .
- geordiecheryl很喜欢吃她妈妈自己做的火腿与豌豆汤。
- Geordie cheryl used to tuck into her mum 's home-made ham and pea soup .