- 最初的堡垒稳步扩张,直到它开始主掌政府事务处理。
- The original fortress expanded steadily until it started to host governmental affairs .
- 在岛的顶端有一块锯齿形的墙的碎片,那是威尼斯要塞的遗址。
- It had a fragment of crenellated wall on top of it , the ruins of a venetian fortress .
- 它利用的是同军团要塞2(teamfortress2)中交易滑稽高价帽子相同的交易系统。
- It utilizes the same payment system that valve uses to sell you ludicrously overpriced hats in team fortress 2 .
- 但在马来西亚希望减少对制造业的依赖时,服务业仍是一个政策堡垒。
- But services remain a bastion of the policy when malaysia wants to reduce its dependence on manufacturing .
- 也门作为反对萨拉菲主义的战争的堡垒看起来更不可靠,但现任的独裁者是可有可无的。
- The yemeni bastion of the battle against salafism looks shakier , but the incumbent dictator is dispensable .
- 书籍是旧的商业模式的最后堡垒,也是至今唯一仍然没有拥抱数字时代的主流媒介。
- Books are the last bastion of the old business model-the only major medium that still hasn 't embraced the digital age .
- 敌军被我们围困在碉堡中。
- The enemy besieged in the blockhouse .
- 他正在督导我们造堡垒的工作。
- He was superintending the work on the blockhouse we were building .
- 在澳大利亚发现的沃尼米松树是被认为早已灭绝了的活松标本,因此也被认为是活化石;宾夕法尼亚州现存唯一的前线碉堡。
- The wollemi pine found in australia is a surviving specimen of a conifer thought to have been long extinct and therefore known as a living fossil ; the only surviving frontier blockhouse in pennsylvania .