- 但是鸟类有一种特殊的圆锥细胞来看紫罗兰和紫外线。
- But birds have an extra cone for seeing violet and ultraviolet light .
- 要是“紫罗兰”能在《卫报》谋得一份小差事就好了,这样她也能为我们一家的收入做点贡献。
- Perhaps the guardian could find a tiny job for violet , so that she can contribute to the family income .
- 再回到你做的那件事上,挂着紫色花环的厚玻璃?
- Back again to the thing you did , the plate glass with the violet loops ?
- 你是那位年长的女士?
- You are that old lady ?
- 哈尔女士对他很感兴趣。
- Lady hale warms to him .
- 但是这位女士转变多么惊人。
- But how the lady has turned .