- 谭盾有过类似的概念,就是“功夫钢琴协奏曲”手指的移动将非常快,还要用上手掌和手肘弹奏。
- Tan dun had this concept of a kung-fu piano concerto -- lots of extreme finger movement and using elbows and palms to play .
- 传奇娱乐公司制作过的大片包括“到梦空间”和两部“宿醉”影片,而华谊出品的电影包括冯小刚的史诗灾难片“唐山大地震”,功夫剧“少林”和徐克的幻想史诗片“狄仁杰之通天帝国。”
- Legendary entertainment has produced global blockbusters including " inception " and the two " hangover " movies while huayi releases include the hit feng xiaogang disaster epic " aftershock , " the kung fu drama " shaolin " and the tsui hark fantasy epic " detective dee and the mystery of the phantom flame . "
- 但不需要为他担心,也不需要问尼尔森(jenniferyuhnelson)的导演处女作《功夫熊猫2》(kungfupanda2)为什么自始至终都这么有趣。
- No need to worry about him , though , and no need to wonder why ' kung fu panda 2 , ' the directorial debut of jennifer yuh nelson , is so consistently entertaining .
- 你会处理安森的问题吧?
- You \'ll deal with Anson ?
- 前港府高级官员陈方安生(ansonchan)说。
- Asks Anson Chan , a former senior government official .
- 依Anson所说,从其他前列腺疾病中鉴定前列腺癌症将是对这个生物标记物模块的真正考验。
- Identifying prostate cancer from other prostate disease will be the real test of the biomarker panel , according to Anson .