- 当法国政府2004年决定禁止穆斯林在公立学校和其他公共建筑中佩戴头巾,它引发了一场关于宗教表达和世俗化社会中妇女权益的热议。
- When the french government decided in 2004 to ban the muslim headscarf in state schools and other public buildings , it set off a heated debate over religious expression and women 's rights in a secular state .
- 现在大厅也用来举行重大国务活动,2002年女王的金婚以及女王母亲上一个伊丽莎白王后(queen)的遗体瞻仰在这里举行的。
- Today the hall is often used for important state occasions such as the queen 's golden jubilee and the lying-in-state of the late queen elizabeth the queen mother , both in 2002 .
- 根据火山爆发疏解和地震灾难疏解中心的观察,21座不安全的火山,其中18座是处在警戒状态中,2座处在警备状态中,一座处在警惕状况中,随时爆发的可能性比较小。
- Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes , according to disaster ease ease the observation center , 21 unsafe volcanoes , 18 are in state of alert in block 2 in a garrison state , a state of alert at any time more likely outbreak small .
- 并在结束时,所有的生物都构成了生动的史前辉煌的全景。
- And at the end , the creatures all come together in a gloriously vivid prehistoric panorama .
- 她以其在行业的影响力,光荣地成为宁夏地区的奥运火炬手。
- She has been gloriously elected as the olympic torchbearer of ningxia for her influence in the industry .
- 到达时浑身又脏又累。
- Arriving gloriously dirty and tired .