

smoker 变化形式
复数: smokers
易混淆的单词: Smoker

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- The average smoker needs over five thousand cigarettes a year .
- 普通的烟民一年要吸掉超过5000支烟。
- So far , the english pub remains a smoker 's paradise .
- 迄今为止,英国酒吧依然是烟民的天堂。
- She began as an overweight , heavy-drinking smoker with debts and no job . Her husband had just left her .
- 它起初是个身体超重、酒醉者、烟民、并且欠债没有工作的人,她的丈夫因此离开她。
- Why not put pictures of beaten wives on whiskey bottles , as one smoker suggested on national public radio ?
- 为什么不像一位烟民在美国全国公共电台(nationalpublicradio)上说的,在威士忌酒瓶上贴上遭毒打的妻子的照片?
- Even a seemingly innocent photo of a smoking woman might cause seriously bad consequences for the smoker .
- 即使是一张看起来极其单纯的女人吸烟的照片都极可能为吸烟者带来严重的恶劣后果。
- The labels also include images of a smoker wearing an oxygen mask and a mother and baby with smoke swirling nearby .
- 这些警示标识还包含带着氧气面罩的吸烟者的图像,还有烟雾缭绕中的母亲和婴儿的图像。
- The former president , once a heavy smoker , had lung-cancer surgery in 1996 and was prone to respiratory illnesses .
- 这位捷克前总统也是一位重度吸烟者,曾于1996年因肺癌动过手术,并且容易感染呼吸道疾病。
- The smoker inhales doses of nicotine vaporized with the help of a solvent such as propylene glycol .
- 尼古丁溶解在丙二醇等溶剂中,挥发后被吸烟者吸入。
- Not surprisingly , having the t variant also correlates with the chance of a smoker getting lung cancer .
- 果然不出所料,胸腺嘧啶的变异同样和吸烟者发生肺癌的机会呈正相关。
- Second-hand smoke from a smouldering cigarette is far more noxious than the nicotine-infused fumes inhaled by the smoker .
- 从阴燃的香烟飘出的二手烟雾远比吸烟者本人吸入的尼古丁烟雾有害。