- 政府承认仅仅在卡贝略港(puertocabello)就约有3000吨食品腐烂。
- The government admits that 30000 tonnes of food are rotting in the port of puerto cabello alone .
- 在奥尔达斯港险酿惨祸后不过三天,三台加拉加斯的通勤火车相撞,其中一台的驾驶员丧生,另有几十名旅客受伤。
- Just three days after the puerto ordaz near-disaster , three caracas commuter trains collided , killing the driver of one of them and injuring dozens of passengers .
- 秘鲁马德雷德迪奥斯的首府马尔多纳多港,它是拉美国家经济变革的主要力量。
- Puerto maldonado capital of peru 's madre de dios region is a critical part of latin america 's economic revolution .
- 当前的危机会平稳过去的。
- This immediate crisis may well pass .
- 不是所有的国家都能通过。
- Not all countries will pass .
- 这一年龄段与专家们建议开始把财产传给下一代的时间大致相同。
- These ages roughly coincide with the time when experts advocate beginning to pass money to succeeding generations .
- 坚持要卡扎菲上校下台显然会排除通过谈判达成和解或保持利比亚事实上分裂的余地。
- Insistence on col gaddafi 's removal apparently rules out a negotiated settlement , or de facto partition .
- 不过,他们仍不会讲真话,直到意识到说谎不起作用的时候从不说真话的可不只是卡扎菲上校这样的独裁者。
- But they won 't until they learn that lying doesn 't work it is not just dictators like col gaddafi who never will .
- 在英国广播公司采访时,中校威尔克森还开发了他的看法是否或不战前情报是故意误用白宫。
- In the bbc interview , col wilkerson also developed his views on whether or not pre-war intelligence was deliberately misused by the white house .