- 每年估计有1.06亿人感染淋病,这种性传播疾病越来越难治疗。
- Each year an estimated one hundred six million people get infected with gonorrhea . This sexually transmitted disease is getting harder and harder to treat .
- 琼斯对于安保费用不置可否,但强调应该接近一亿英镑,有人估计应该要花费8000万英镑。
- Jones noncommittal for security costs , but stressed that should be close to one hundred million pounds , by some estimates should have to spend 80 million pounds .
- 化石搜寻者发现了原始鳄鱼的残骸化石,它们能在陆地上奔驰,在一亿年以前在跨越南非的宽阔河流边徘徊。
- Fossil hunters have uncovered the remains of primitive crocodiles that " galloped " on land and patrolled the broad rivers that coursed through north africa one hundred million years ago .
- 特拉汤姆斯从前是连接杂志的编辑而现在是一个自由撰稿人。
- Tera thomas was formerly editor of connecting link magazine and is currently a freelance writer .
- 虽然泰拉之前在《格里弗斯的诡计》中出现过,但在那一集里的他和几个幼徒是为这一集设计的,这一集制作在先。
- Although tera appeared previously in " grievous intrigue , " he and the younglings seen in that episode were designed for this episode , which was produced first .
- 前国际奥委会委员kaiholm说,如此短暂的露面也许起到了反效果。
- Former ioc member kai holm said that the brevity of his appearance may have counted against him .
- 他的两位弟弟及新鸿基董事局其他成员目前有两周时间,在法庭上对郭炳湘的主张进行回应。
- His younger brothers and the rest of the sun hung kai board now have two weeks to respond in court to walter 's claims .
- 2000年,德维莱尔与谷开来一起成立了一家英国公司adadlimited,当时谷开来使用了horuskai一名。
- In 2000 , mr devillers set up a uk company adad limited with ms gu , who used the name horus kai .
- 在可视光下,sh2-235星云看上去像一朵很小琥珀色的云。
- Seen in visible light , the nebula known as sh 2-235 looks like a small , amber cloud .
- 萨哈:但是你认为作为科学家,他有资格相信吗?
- Sh : but you believe he 's entitled to believe it as a scientist ?
- 萨哈:它们确实贬低了他以科学教育人的责任。
- Sh : they do detract from his responsible education of people on science .