- 她在美国律师协会中表现活跃,曾任其商法分会主席,统一商法典起草委员会成员。
- Active in the american bar association , she is a past chair of the business law section and of its uniform commercial code committee , a past member of the aba .
- 过去店内技术支持区的11英尺柜台“geniusbar”,加长到了35英尺。
- The 11-foot counter used in the past for the " genius bar , " the in-store technical support section , has been extended to about 35 feet per store .
- 一些人,如桑尼.米勒,这位明尼苏达的多尔西&惠特尼律师事务所律师,明尼苏达州律师协会遗嘱认证和信托分会立法委员会成员就说,他理解政府不好支付死后受孕的孩子抚养费的难处。
- Some , like sonny miller , a lawyer at dorsey & whitney in minnesota and member of the legislative committee of the minnesota bar association 's probate and trust law section said he understood the agency 's reluctance to pay out benefits to posthumously conceived children .
- 40%的招聘经理在这些个人资料中看到雇员能够很好融入企业文化的证据。
- Forty percent of those hiring managers saw proof in the profiles that the employees were a good cultural fit .
- 用于广告的行为背景资料只是在线数据的冰山一角。
- Behavioural profiles for advertising are just the tip of the online data iceberg .
- 在这个简单的,只有三个步骤教程中,你会看到修改wordpress用户配置文件正在使用的联系方式字段清单是多么容易,并在wordpress登记表显示这些字段。
- In this simple , three step tutorial you 'll see how easy it is to modify list of contact method fields being used in wordpress user profiles and display those fields in wordpress registration form .