- 另一件怪事是垃圾债券。
- Another oddity is in junk bonds .
- 他们是一种类固醇的垃圾食品。
- Consider them junk food on steroids .
- 用这类垃圾食品的替代品代替。
- Try these junk food substitutes instead .
- 在墨西哥,春季里人们为了逃离墨西哥城沉闷的环境,奔向微风拂面的太平洋沿岸,他们的汽车会排成长长的队伍。
- The spring getaway in mexico sees long lines of cars escaping the fug of mexico city for the breezy pacific coast .
- 相邻的人点烟几分钟后,随着烟内的有毒物质使被动吸烟者的血液越来越粘稠,后者患急性心脏病的机会迅速增加。
- In the minutes after a neighbour has lit a cigarette , a passive smoker 's chances of suffering an immediate heart attack rise rapidly as toxins in the fug make his blood stickier .
- 在伦敦烟雾缭绕的咖啡馆和曼哈顿下城传说中的梧桐树下,自交易商们开始首笔交易以来,世界各大金融中心经过几个世纪的发展,一步一脚印地建立起各自的资本市场及国际声誉。
- Since dealers first gathered in the fug of london 's coffee houses and under the fabled buttonwood tree in lower manhattan , the world 's great financial centres have built their capital markets and reputations over centuries , one trade at a time .
- 这是乐再三强调的观点。
- This was a point that le hammered home repeatedly .
- 正如乐所说,“世界上没有最佳发展模式。”
- As le put it , " there is no best model in the world . "