


Arnold 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Arnold schwarzenegger 's government is dysfunctional and the legislature gridlocked .
- 阿诺德施瓦辛格的政府运作不良,立法机关也陷入了僵局。
- The auction does not cover earlier terminator films starring arnold schwarzenegger .
- 此次拍卖不包括早些时候阿诺德施瓦辛格(arnoldschwarzenegger)主演的《终结者》电影。
- They had a movie festival here , the arnold schwarzenegger movie festival .
- 他们在这里举办了一个电影节“阿诺德施瓦辛格电影节”。
- Magliv uses arnold holstein distillers making 50 l of cognac spirit daily .
- magliv酒厂使用的日产50升烈酒的阿诺德荷斯坦蒸馏器。
- He was close to a rabbi on the south side the late arnold jacob wolf .
- 他还与芝加哥南区的拉比过从甚密,他就是已过世的阿诺德雅各沃尔夫。
- In texas , my longtime supporter truman arnold raised a much-needed $ 30000 .
- 在德克萨斯州,我长期的支持者杜鲁门.阿诺德捐赠了急需的3万美元。
- So in one sense , arnold was right : the funnyman was a national phenomenon .
- 所以,阿诺德在一点上是正确的,即幽默作家一个全国性的现象。
- Rejecting the street-style photography favoured by many of her magnum colleagues , ms arnold has always focused on specific projects .
- 阿诺德女士总是将镜头对准特定的目标,拒绝像许多玛格南摄影协会同事那样青睐街头摄影。
- But the governor , arnold schwarzenegger , shows no sign of lifting the emergency declaration he imposed in june 2008 .
- 但是没有任何迹象表明州长阿诺德施瓦辛格要结束他2008年6月强制发布的紧急声明。
- When arnold schwarzenegger and danny devito claim to be them , it 's comedy gold .
- 当阿诺德.施瓦辛格和丹尼尔.维托如此声称自己的时候,它显得那么幽默诙谐。